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This product is handy for quickly entering chord tones (MIDI notes) without the knowledge of every chord tones of each chord.
# Functions:
- 4 Simple Mode (Default Mode, Circle Of Fifth Mode, Chord Analysis Mode I and II).
- MIDI notes are sent as chord tones by pressing a chord name button.
- Diatonic chords are highlighted based on the main key and chords' root you set.
- Place chords to DAW as MIDI Clip Item.
(As of today, this function has been confirmed with the following Host applications: Studio One, Reaper and Bitwig Studio). - The Step Sequencer of Chord tones (version 2.05~ )
- Chord progression mode (in Advanced Mode) (version 2.10~ )
- Search chords mode from musical scale. (in Advanced Mode) (version 2.10~ )
# Examples Uses:
- Quick play and check chords tones.
- You can also use it for a rough sketch of chord progressions.
- Useful when writing chord progressions according to tonality.
# Requirements:
- 40 MB free hard disk space
- Windows 10 newer, 32bit 64bit processor with 2 GB RAM
- MacOSX 10.9( recommend newer OS)
- Display capable of 1024×768
- VST, VST3 host program, AU ( Logic ProX )
- ASIO supporting sound card ( recommended )
# Notes:
- Downloads Manual : 日本語
- Downloads Manual : English
- v2.05 Additional Manual : 日本語
- v2.05 Additional Manual : English
- v2.10 Additional Manual : 日本語
- v2.10 Additional Manual : English
- Price: $50.00 - On the free version, only Triad chords are available.
# Latest version:
- Windows : 2.175 (2018/1/26)
Mac OS X : 2.175 (2018/1/26) - Change log is here.
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